The secret to regular blogging in 2019

The secret to regular blogging in 2019

If you’ve recently signed up to a gym, started yoga lessons, cut out carbs or bought a racing bike in a fit of New Year guilt, then relax. You can now go back to your old ways knowing you haven’t let the side down because 17 January is “Ditch your New Year’s Resolutions” Day.

Ditch your New Year’s Resolutions Day

Yes, 17 days is the average lifespan of those well intentioned, but short-lived, attempts to lose some weight, improve your lifestyle, learn a new skill or just to be a bit nicer.

I don’t plan to do any of these things in 2019 as I like myself just the way I am. But I do hope, with the aid of a plan, to get into one good habit this year – blogging on my business website.

What happens when you stop blogging

I’ve not done any serious blogging on my own website for months, and I’ve persuaded myself that this was an experiment to see what happened.

The result was predictable. Despite spending nearly £50 on a new website, I’ve averaged about ten visitors a month (thank you all, by the way, you must all have been really keen).

I’m guessing they were people I’d already met while networking around Hampshire, in London or at copy writing conventions, so their interest was already peaked.

But a lack of regular content has not helped me get new leads through my website. When you think of the time and money that goes into one, it’s not a good return on your investment.

The secret to regular blogging? Have a plan and be accountable for it

I guess that after a hard day blogging for other people’s businesses, the last thing I want to do is try to think of a topic for myself. Also, as I often tell clients, it’s sometimes hard to appreciate what makes your own business interesting to others. It’s definitely a case of cobbler’s kids running barefoot. However, this must stop.

So with the aid of a written plan and a colleague who’s going to ask me every month how many posts I’ve written for Bill Blogs (I’m not sure yet what she’s planning to do if my answer displeases her), I hope to escape the mire of unfocused online marketing and step back onto the righteous path of planned content posting.

What Bill Blogs does

Bill Blogs produces regular web content, including blogs, web pages, social media profiles, newsletters and articles. We use the language of your target audiences in a clear, concise and authoritative way to inform, entertain and, ultimately, influence.

We help you communicate your message and point readers towards your desired outcome. 

So if you’re struggling with writer’s block or can’t find the time to create the sort of content you need to attract potential customers to your website, contact Bill Blogs at or ring 07981 269162 and we’ll see what ideas we can generate together in 2019.