Noel Coward once said that he loved spontaneity on the stage – provided it was rehearsed for at least 6 weeks.
This quote is, perhaps, worthy of consideration in the light of writing and the practice and skills needed to deliver the most compelling messages in print.
Do you look at articles on a websites, news pages or blogs and give up after the first few lines because the messages takes too long to take shape.
Business’s need to get the best out of their investments in web technology and social media, but rarely do they have the time or resources to stay on top of the on-going commitment to keep their news fresh. They don’t get in the rehearsals.
Delivery of worthwhile and readable content is much more successful when it has been written by authors experienced in understanding both the message to be delivered and the structure of successful communication.
What do you think? How many times do you look at a site and either see that the news or blogs are way out of date or the information is just not engaging? It would be great to hear from you and how you tackle this challenge.